SARS Services » Tax Compliance Status (TCS)

Tax Compliance Status (TCS)

In an effort to improve compliance and to make it even easier for taxpayers to manage their tax affairs, SARS introduced an enhanced Tax Compliance Status System (TSC). They stoppped issuing Tax Clearance Certificates (TCC) on 2 November 2019. They now offer a Tax Compliance Status (TCS) from their eFiling website. You, as the company director, can authorise any third party to view your TCS through the use of a TCS PIN. A guide into getting your TCS PIN on the SARS eFiling website is available below.

The TCS system is available for the following applications:
  • Good standing
  • Tender
  • Foreign Investment Allowance
  • Emigration
Please note that BizPortal does not offer TCS services. You can only apply for TCS on the SARS eFiling website.
SARS eFiling Website
Information on TCS
Guide: Register for eFiling
Guide: Apply for TCS

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